Pu scope for mosin nagant
Pu scope for mosin nagant

I must have been living right this day because it came out perfect on the first try.

pu scope for mosin nagant

It needs to be torqued to the correct spec, and line up at the right position at the same time.

pu scope for mosin nagant

I simply rotated the mill by hand and everything tapped just fine. I wasn’t brave enough to power tap this hole. I doubt it would have worked for someone trying to do it like on the YouTube video. However with sharpening, it did do the job so it was good enough for this kit. I had to take it to the grinder several times to sharpen it in order to get through the few drilling operations of this job. The drill bit cut very poorly and was obviously made of jello or butter or something equally ineffective at drilling metal. There is a supplied drill bit and tap that comes with this kit. Once the center was located, I locked the mill in place and center drilled the initial hole. Center drilling the hole in preparation for final drilling I got it as close as possible for the condition of the forging. This was harder than it looked because the metal was not actually round but misshapen somewhat. Once it was flat, I had to locate the center of the circle. Locating the center of the bolt handle face This made for proper mating of the faces and also made it look considerably better. Once the handle was off, I moved over to the mill where I machined the face perfectly flat. This particular bolt has a short body and the kit came with a new bolt so we just lopped off this old one with the trust Porta-band. It also makes the bolts more “Americanized” and more agreeable to an American shooter.

pu scope for mosin nagant

This gives clearance from the bolt handle to the scope. On some rifles you heat and bend the bolt. The before picture of the Mosin nagant bolt The bolt, the mount itself, and modifying the stock to accept the new mount. There are three main parts to installing this kit. Reading through the reviews on some of these things, the expected poor results are all over the internet since people aren’t installing them correctly. Some of the key parts that make the thing work properly aren’t installed by anyone I can find showing their methods on the interweb. Having gone back and watched the YouTube video he referenced, I sure am glad he brought this thing to me rather than attempting it himself. It was to be a Christmas present for his son and he’d watched a YouTube video of how to do it but felt it would be better to have a gunsmith do it. He’s bought a nice little kit off of Amazon that had everything you needed. He said he had the scope, the mount, drill bits, everything.

pu scope for mosin nagant

Recently I received a call from a customer asking if I could mount a scope to a Mosin Nagant.

Pu scope for mosin nagant